Support our cause

The Functional Dog Collaborative (FDC) is a 501(3)(c) non-profit which depends on the support of our community to meet our goals. We are committed to maintaining our focus on education and community building.


We’re looking for people with all kinds of skills, in particular those with extensive breeding experience, or technical (computer) expertise. If you are interested in helping, let us know!


The FDC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, so donations are tax deductible in the United States. Funds are used to develop educational offerings, key tools for responsible breeding and to support FDCs robust community. We gratefully accept one-time or repeated donations through Paypal who will subtract no fees for your donation. A monthly gift through our Patreon page supports our Podcast production. It also provides you early access to podcast episodes and the ability to suggest questions for upcoming interviews.